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Poetry Collection

By Philip Malazarte

Sweet Dreams

By Joachim Gibson

One morning I was dreaming some sweet times.

In my sweet dreams the light was so sunny

yet when i’m dreaming the sun never shines.

I was dreaming, and you were there honey.

In your eyes when I looked, shined back a world,

its indigo warmth, its vastness of sage!

Their elegance as you danced and you twirled,

among the clovers where there was no stage.

Words weren’t spoken and we could hear the birds,

we spoke with what our warm hearts desired.

So when we held hands my heart split in thirds.

Oh this sweet touch! My love for you was wired.

Then my sweet times danced off with the alarm.

My dream! Oh vastness of sage and its charm!

Hilltop Sonnet

By Joachim Gibson

I saw you stand in silence with the breeze.

As swaying clovers kissed you with feeling,

the swaying trees danced, you fell to your knees.

You held your sunset…Your heart was healing.

Your love revealing, and your hate ceasing.

Your knowledge can't explain what love can be,

your peace expanding, your thoughts decreasing.

You…Usually trapped can now be free.

Free from standards, judgment, society.

Free from the world of utter mistreating,

and the haunting curse of anxiety.

So stand and walk as you eat a sweeting.

I want you to remember this sweet time

when my most important lesson…was rhyme.

The Storm

By Isabella Wilfong

The words, they drown beneath my tongue.

My mind, it races with twists and turns— less like a competition and more akin to a tropical storm.

Even the salty wisps of the booming thunder pour down my soft cheeks; my eyes—they sting for the wind is too strong .

The storm was once a soothing shore of cheerful green and a strong but caressing blue, cerulean, even.

My feet, caked in muddy sand, I struggle to move before the sea—now blacker than night—and it’s crashing, crushing waves reach me.

The green, now a sodden grey, quite reminds me of cigarette ash, only weakly holds its ground as the winds pull them from their stems.

They cry.

I cry.

We can stand no longer.

And I sink to my knees.

The ocean, so ice cold against my bare skin and breasts, she eats.

It stings like pins and needles, poking at my every worry, writing in between the paranoia and maggots under my scarred flesh.

The green, vivid now, like Spring on the sunniest day—she tells me now to prepare for tomorrow and rest. Your future self will thank you.

“My First Tattoo”

By: Jazmine Curley

Glancing down I see a shape I will love,

I look to my significant other.

There is no going back, only above

With the love of my life and my mother.

The silver needle making my arm numb,

His concentration, everything, so planned.

Near over, waiting for relief to come

Pain shoots down my arm, I’m holding a hand.

Dancing on my forearm creating curves,

The needle producing swirl after swirl,

No longer able to feel those gone nerves.

Scary world and just a scared little girl.

Looking down to see my mushroom tattoo

Now, all that I know has become anew.


By Joachim Gibson

What is the futile longing,

felt when I see you across the rubicon?

And what will's me to wish?

Though this tedious tide bears no joy

I am caught in its love with sorrow.

And my body produced so many tears,

for this thing we once had.

Yet I still smile seeing the flowers sway on the hilltop.

And I still smile when I feel the colts winter coat,

And I still smile to see the stallions spooked

by a squirrel in the brush.

And when I hike to see the sunset,

I know you are taking its picture,

like the bumblebee on the bluebells.

Bug Trapper

by Riley Medina

Man of the house

Keeps the knives so sharp

It cuts just to wash them

Keeps the spiders

On eight sets of toes

Fearing white pinch of death

To be flicked to their burial

In distaste and porcelain.

Man the house.

Walk blind into that darkness

Which feeds strange sounds

Stray horrors

The wind, whipping Night

sits and shivers.


Your shape is held by our mattress.

But man,

It does not fit.

At night I am palmed water

It’s the way I’ve learned to love a moth

To kiss with only fingertips.

The way I’ve taken to the glint of a pocketknife

For skinning apples

And sagging the belt loops of blue jeans.

It is the way

Our shadowy stranger

Always takes the shape of you


When I stalk the enemy on my very toes

our silent race to the kitchen light.

Man of the house

Raws his knuckles

Scrubbing moms kisses

From a mug

And I wonder

If she always talked when she dreamed.

Who sleeps in two beds,

And keeps the toothed at bay?


I can not let myself love you.


It thrills to wear your shoes.


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