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Poetry Collection

Lauren Greenslet

When you leave and you meet the new 

Promise you will call or text when you see messed up graffiti 

Or when there’s a new meme for you and me to undoubtedly giggle at for no reason 

Or when the good stuff goes wrong and all you need is somewhere to go 

Somewhere for you to let it out 

Somewhere you don’t have to look back and stay wondering about the things you 

couldn’t fix 

If you can do that, then I can promise you this:

I’ll be there.

A Quiet

It’s solace with you by my side 

An eternal comfort that’s too strong to outgrow 

Warmth that creates assurance and makes the wrongs a little less painful 

God only knows the time it is gonna take to heal this

Far Off 

it would be best to stay here


without you

it would be best to not call

words make things so complicated

it would be best to not think about it anymore

A soft ocean breeze.

Or the ocean and the breeze, kept apart, at a distance, represented separately

But all at the same time coexisting and intertwining

The ocean being me

And my ever-changing, scattered, unpredictable, catastrophic tides

The breeze being you

And your endless pushing

- blue 


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