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Poetry Collection

Lauren Greenslet


You arrived at the perfectly wrong time

When all the tears were just beginning to dry up

When the people who needed to leave left

You arrived but stayed

And of course

You cared.


When you’re feet are firmly planted, she began

You will feel it in your toes

It’ll be anchoring and attached

That feeling will make its way up your leg, to your hip, all the way to your rib cage

Your rib cage will rattle a thousand times to remind you that nothing will come to you still

Soon enough, it will all drift to your shoulders

That weighted feeling is supposed to be there, darling

It has you hold all the voices, thoughts, and bodies that have come before you

Don’t fret, it will lift

You will be light again

The light in me died

It was blown out

It was strangled

It was carefully picked apart

It was drowned

It was shot down

It was yelled at

It was critiqued

It was molded

It was

- Gone But Not Forgotten


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