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Overcoming Stress and Creating Good Study Habits

This week has been a rough week for me, and for others, I’m sure. Everyone is going through something and everyone has days where stress can get the better of them. I want to help out and share some ways that I can unwind and relax on my own time. A way I deal with my day to day stress when I am home is by listening to calming music and shutting off electronics. Stress in a school environment is different from stress at home though. School stress is harder to control and can sometimes be more overwhelming. In class, you are constantly surrounded by other people, which in itself can cause a kind of stress for both teenagers and adults. Unlike your cell phone, you can’t just turn a person off or block their comments from what you see and hear. It is easy to get frustrated with your peers when you are tired and already on edge so to help control your anxiety and/or irritation towards someone, you can try to breathe in deep and slow. Pay attention to your breathing, focus on that rather than whatever is bothering you. A trick to this is breathing in for seven seconds, holding it for eight seconds, and then exhaling for four seconds. You can also count your fingers until you find a rhythm that distracts you and calms you down. Both of these practices can be as quick and as discreet as you’d like, perfect for at school or any other public place.  

Everyone has winged-it on a test at least once–whether they choose to admit it or not. Sometimes you forget to study for it, sometimes you are not in the right mindset to even try and study. I’ve been there, but I also have picked up some study tips that could potentially help you develop good studying habits. One of the first things, before you even begin, is to get organized! Find a clean space, clutter can be distracting, to sit down and lay out your material. Maybe pick one color for each subject and have your binder, folder, the pen you use to take notes with, all be in that color so you can stay on top of each class. It is also important to make studying more fun! If you find that you don't study well by yourself, schedule a time to meet up with a friend or two and create a study group. Just make sure that you choose to work with someone who will keep you on task and benefit your studying. It is okay to have a break and goof around but remember that studying is the main goal, so maybe pick a place to study where you can't make too much noise. Another tip is… brain foods! Healthy foods will instantly give you the energy you need to focus and activate your brain. Drinking lots of water and staying hydrated is also essential for your brain to work at its full potential. Lastly, remember to breathe. You can use the breathing tips from before at any time during your day. Now go out there and do whatever you need to do, you got this!


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