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No Bad Blood (#1)

Updated: Dec 13, 2018

It’s weird when the people that you knew so well are now complete strangers to you. People that you couldn't last a day without seeing, are echoes of a memory. You want to talk to these people again, talk about their favorite show that you finally got around to watching, but then you remember that it used to be their favorite. You don’t know their favorite anything anymore. However, it’s more than that, because what if you took the time to get to know the person again and you don’t like what you find. Maybe it’s not bad, but that it’s different; and change is scary.

Ava loved that kind of change, because she always assumed that if people changed, they changed for the better. She always liked what she found, but that mindset opened her up for a lot of disappointment. There was no disappointment greater than the one she experienced on her 17th birthday.

She wanted that birthday to be special, more special than her past birthdays. She wanted to have all the people that came to her 7th birthday, come to her 17th birthday. That number was unique because only 4 people had showed up: Matthew, Daniel, Taylor, and Chloe.

For the longest time, they were the closest of friends, they hung out every day. Until something happened, something changed in each one of them and no one knew why or bothered to find out. Ava missed being with her friends, she missed them, and she wanted to see them again.

She walked into school with a hand full of letters that she planned to slip into their lockers that morning. As she was about to deliver the first letter, she realized that letters were too formal for the occasion and it was more appropriate to text like a normal person.

The text resulted in a general consensus of “Why would I go? Everyone else hates me.” Ava knew that pushing the matter would make them want to attend even less, but she made sure to let them know that there would be no fighting, or “no bad blood,” as she put it, if they did end up deciding to come.

She had a barn in the back of her house that she wanted to decorate for the party. Even though it was on the smaller side and quite drafty, she thought it was perfect for five people to reconnect in.

In reality, she thought that no one would actually show up, that they would all just want to avoid each other. Yet, to her surprise, a car showed up, and out walked Daniel, looking slightly on edge. Then came Chloe, with both hands full of “apple juice.” Shortly after came Taylor. Ava couldn’t, in a million years, describe how happy it made her feel to know that these people cared enough about her, to be around people she knew they hated. Even still, she was bummed that Matthew didn't show up.

“Hey, why are you looking so sad?” Chloe said as laughed and elbowed Ava, “It’s a party!” Chloe finished her statement by careening to the barn which Ava met with a chuckle. She then went to go greet her other guests.

“Daniel!” Ava exclaimed excitedly as she hugged him, leaving him no escape from her kind but firm clutch, “It’s like I never get to see you anymore, man!”

“Well, we do have calc together,” Daniel replied, as he pulled away from the embrace.

“Yah, but it’s not like we talk during that class.”

“You’re right, you’re right.”

“Of course I am. So why don’t you get yourself inside and get a drink?”

Daniel looked to the barn warily, then went to join Chloe, who was already pouring the apple juice into some glasses in the barn. His departure left Taylor and Ava with the chance to catch up.

“He’ll show,” Taylor abruptly stated.

“What?” Ava was taken aback.

“Matt, he’ll show, he always does.”

“You were always able to read me like a book.”

“He’ll be here, he misses us as much as we miss him.” Taylor squeezed Ava’s arm softly before going to the barn to join the others.

As Taylor walked away, what she had said echoed in Ava’s head. Did she really mean it? Did her old friends really miss each other? She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t process how cold she was. Her whole body was shaking from the crisp night air. Before she knew it, arms were surrounding her. Her panic was quickly subdued when she heard the voice of the person holding her.

“Hey there, V.”

“Damn it, Matthew, you scared me!” Ava cursed as she softly hit him in the gut.

“Sorry, you looked cold.”

“You scaring me isn’t helping.”

“Where is everyone?” Matthew questioned, “did they all decide to bail?”

Ava rolled her eyes, “they’re all in the barn.”

As Ava walked Matthew to the barn, the thought that this might be the last time he ever see his friend again never crossed his mind.

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