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Green Mountain Under New Leadership

by Kira Bate

This year, Green Mountain Union High School welcomes many new staff members onto our campus, including our new principal, John Broadley. Broadley has had 30 years of previous teaching experience. He began as a PE. teacher in Great Britian. He went on to have many positions in the school system including a special ED teacher, math teacher, and athletic teacher. He believes that because he has been in so many positions in the educational system he can really make a good principal. He moved to Vermont in 1993 and has spent the last two years as principal of Bellows Falls. He is very pleased about his move to Vermont, though it did take an adjustment period. Four weeks into his move, he remembers waking up, looking out the window and thinking, “What am I doing?” Now he begins this process again on a much smaller scale at Green Mountain.

Broadley describes Green Mountain as a “neat school filled with energetic, fun loving students who need good leadership to help everyone get where they need to go.” As principal, Broadley makes sure he is seen around the school and makes it a priority to be at both middle and high school lunches everyday. He comes to as many sports games as he can and plans on continuing this practice with basketball games this winter. He is greatly impressed by the variety of clubs here at Green Mountain (such as Mountain Biking and Rock Climbing). He thinks sports are a good way for students to be involved with the school and also helps improve students' academics. It forces students to not let their grades slip, so they can continue playing on the field.

Broadley has had many roles in the school system such as P.E. to Special ED to athletic director to math teacher to principal. He believes that because he has been a part of so many parts of the educational system, he can really make a good principal.

The one last thing he ends off with is to encourage students to come to him with ideas. He is open to hearing suggestions of what the students want. For example, a couple years ago, at Bellows Falls, students came to him with the hopes of starting an Ultimate Frisby team and now their team plays in the league. He hopes to be able to start programs students want like this again. In his own words, “Come to me with a proposal and let's do it!”


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