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Good Ol' Environmental Club

by Arlo Schilling

The GMUHS Environmental club has been hard at work! Already starting this year off with mandatory composting and trash clean up. Led by Dr. Malaby, the small but hard working group has been raising awareness. They have been meeting every Thursday for a couple years and they are always figuring out ways to help their community and school. The group is also working on recruiting new members and anyone is welcome to join, even middle schoolers! Always putting dates on the calendar and brainstorming within the group all opinions are shared and supported. The group assembled compost bins to put outside popular classrooms to encourage students to compost their food and be more aware of the things they are throwing out. Plus, they plan on starting a compost education campaign this winter! The GMUHS Environmental club loved cleaning up the green after the Chester fall festival! They successfully cleaned up the green after Chester had hosted such a big event. After working on cleaning up the green GMUHS Environmental club went down to the river to look for more trash. They found a good amount and cleaned it all up! Thanks to them the Green and river look spotless. If any student is interested in joining to have fun and help their community contact; Riley Medina GM2024 and/or Andrew Malaby GM FAC


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