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Good-bye Mrs.Delorenzo!

Rileigh Thomas

With less than a week of the 2018/19 school year left, the school is abuzz with everything summer. Students and staff alike are excited to embark on their plans in the sun: from beach vacations to treks in the mountains, and long reading lists. However, among this anticipation are some bitter-sweet good-byes. After teaching at Green Mountain for eight years, high school science teacher Theresa Delorenzo is ready to begin a new chapter in her life–retirement! She explained that she cannot wait to travel to Hawaii this summer and spend the following year at home working in her garden. After that? She laughed and declared, “and then, I don’t know! We’ll see.” Her mood grew somber, however, as she reflected on her time spent at GM. When asked what she will miss most, she didn’t hesitate to respond, “the students.” To anyone who has been taught by or taught alongside Mrs. D, this response comes as no surprise. Junior Laurel King explained that “[she] could put a smile on anyone’s face,” and junior Thatcher Laprise chimed in, “she truly teaches from her heart.” Across the board, students and staff were quick to share stories of Mrs. D’s kindness and compassion, from decorating the teacher’s bathroom to keeping snacks on hand for kids. These positive acts will certainly be missed by the entire school community, who now will open their arms to a brand new science teacher! He has large shoes to fill, but Mrs. D gave her best advice to start him off: “enjoy the students, teach well, don’t sweat the small stuff because the most important things are the students… that’s why you’re here!”  

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