By EV Nicholes-Fox
Everyone’s favorite food-filled holiday has passed and I wanted to know how everyone celebrated this holiday. Some people stay at home and cook the traditional Thanksgiving meal while others travel out of state and get creative with their Thanksgiving dishes. This is a glimpse into the life of our students and staff here at GMUHS.
Question 1: What dishes do you make for your Thanksgiving meal?
A) We have the typical Thanksgiving dinner at our house—turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, gravy, and mashed potatoes. My favorite is the stuffing and the gravy. I want it right now.
A) I live in a vegan, GF household so for Thanksgiving we make vegan and GF alternatives to the traditional Thanksgiving meal. We’ve made a shepherd's pie but with lentils and GF crust. We’ll also make our own vegan GF pumpkin pie.
A) Regular dishes we make are turkey, of course, and cheese casserole. Nothing crazy.
A) Turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls, brussels sprouts, stuffing, roasties. Lots of pies: like pumpkin, chocolate, and apple.
A) My brother makes a turkey and has cooked it to be a spatchcocked turkey (remove the backbone, flatten the bird, fast way of cooking it). My mother makes delicious cornbread stuffing, one with onions and one without (for my dad). We also have a dish with sweet potatoes that has a layer of melted marshmallows over it, but I’m the only one who likes it.
A) Food. We’ll have these raspberry cheesecake brownies for dessert though. My grandma and I will make them sometimes too outside of Thanksgiving.
A) The typical Thanksgiving food but some dishes we have that everybody doesn’t are broccoli salad and blueberry jello salad. My mom used to make the broccoli salad and now I make it because everyone likes it. The blueberry jello salad has whipped cream and flavored jello, it’s a good dessert.
A) I’m a picky eater and won’t eat turkey so my family usually orders Chinese food or we’ll make tacos. Sometimes we’ll add in a Thanksgiving dish like mashed potatoes or rolls to pay tribute to the holiday. We don’t have the typical dinner though.
A) Most likely it will be the traditional Thanksgiving dinner but who knows, I’m just bringing the wine.
Question 2: Do you travel anywhere or do anything fun for Thanksgiving?
A) We used to go to California to our summerhouse for Thanksgiving, and once we went to Virginia but now we just stay here and celebrate at home.
A) I fly out to my parent's house in DC, a week before actual Thanksgiving due to scheduling.
A) While we eat our Thanksgiving meal, everyone goes around the table and says 3 things they’re thankful for and sometimes what they’re looking forward to in the future. Thanksgiving to us is a time to be grateful and that’s how we celebrate.
A) Usually my grammy would come down to visit and celebrate with us. We’d all hang out and watch the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movie before going out to eat.
A) Thanksgiving and Christmas, we’ll switch every year between my house and my sister-in-law's house for the holidays. During Thanksgiving, we mainly eat and tell fun stories.
A) At my house, we lay our hands down and trace them on paper. Then cut it out and make it a turkey. My mom will buy fake feathers and beads for us to glue. Usually, it’s messy and glue gets all over the table.
A) For Thanksgiving, my family and I are going to New Jersey to visit my grandparents over Thanksgiving break. The drive is nice but I usually fall asleep. A) This Thanksgiving, we’re going to my boyfriend's family house in Connecticut. It should be fun and I won’t have to cook.
A) My family and I would either make something at home or go out to eat but then we’d go bowling as a way to celebrate family and spend time together.