Green Mountain welcomes grades k-6 into our school community!
At the beginning of the 2018 school year, Chester-Andover Elementary School (CAES) experienced a break in the water pipes, causing flooding of the classrooms and an environment impossible to work in. With only days until students were expected to return from summer break, options were limited. Many ideas were explored, including portable classrooms to be installed outside. However, this was expensive and ultimately not efficient. In the end, Green Mountain, a school built for 600 students, made the most sense to utilize.
However, this switch came with a price. Some high school teachers were asked to move their rooms, in order to make space for the incoming students and faculty. Mr. Wilhelm, HS history teacher and varsity soccer coach, was directly effected by this, asked to share his classroom with another teacher. He recognizes both the positive and negatives, stating, "it has been an adjustment for me, I don't do well with my environment changing and sharing my space; it is very stressful. However, this experience has also allowed for me to look at my processes and allow for growth as a person in areas where I don't usually do well."
High school students have also seen changes in the school, from where they learn, to how they share spaces such as the lunchroom and LLC. Junior Laurel King expressed that it ultimately has not been too intrusive, explaining "bathrooms are crowded and I often see young kids in the hallway... other than that, we don't really interact. We're pretty separated within the school."
Despite the difficulties, the majority of the school community recognize that this arrangement needed to happen, and is an honorable service for our towns. Green Mountain principle Mrs. Fierman, explained that making this decision did take time and deep consideration, but overall "in general, it's good for all of us, even if there is some sacrifice involved. To be able to say that you are being considerate of members of your community, that makes all of us feel good about ourselves to provide the kind of support to other people."
The elementary school is hoped to be ready for use again no later than Christmas.