By EV Nicholes
The talented students and owners of The Dance Factory, a dance studio located in Springfield, had performed The Nutcracker the weekend of the 9th and 10th. The performance was entertaining, with stunning choreography and amazing costumes and set designs. Next year, I hear they will performing a new show for the Christmas season which will be a lovely change but this delightful Nutcracker production will be missed. Below is a collection of photographs showcasing highlights from the show as well as some commentary.
Sibling Affection
Entertainment before the internet
A wild, cloaked man appears
Life-sized toy
Another one
Another one but sparkly
Ah yes, what every 10 year old wants, a nutcracker
The Rat King enters the scene!
Proceeds to flex his big rat muscles...
Rats do the disco
The Nutcracker joins the party
Rat King is stabbed!
RIP Rat King
Magic land of snowflakes
Cut to candy palace
Proceeds to flex flexibility
Nutcracker busts some moves
Clara returns to the real world
Grand Finale
The Big Bow
Well done!