Philip Malazarte
Life is the great binder. It is what binds the people of this earth. No matter where you live, no matter how rich you may be, we are the same now. But life cannot exist without death. Maybe that’s what drives the fear and hatred the unknown. Maybe that’s what drives people to blame their problems on others, no matter how innocent. Or maybe there are those who truly hate others simply because of the color of their skin, or the shape of their eyes, or the width of their nose, or the size of their lips. Maybe there are those who would see countries burn, merely because they could not accept the fact that we all are human. Regardless of race, sexuality, gender, we are human. Maybe, just maybe, people will be able to accept others for who they really are. But until that day comes, we as a species will stay as we are, stuck in a stinking boiling pit of war, famine, disease, and prejudice. Fighting among ourselves for resources, killing those who would oppose us. Death is a vicious cycle. Everyone dies. Young, old, weak strong. But it all leads back to one thing. For every life lost, there is one brought into the world. That, by any definition, is the circle of life.