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Samuel Little and His confession to 90 Murders

78-year-old, Samuel was spending the rest of his life in prison after being convicted of killing three women, but he might be connected with a series of unsolved murders across the country.  The FBI believe Samuel Little may be among the most prolific serial killers in US criminal history.

Little has been in custody since September 2012 when he was arrested at a Kentucky homeless shelter and transferred to California where he was wanted on a drugs charge

The murder convictions led to Little being referred to the FBI's Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP). Officials from the programme say they then uncovered an "alarming pattern" and "compelling links" to many more murders across the US.

Two FBI crime analysts and James Holland, a Texas Ranger, went out to see Little to try and get him to talk. He was more than willing, FBI recounted. "Over the course of that interview in May," Christina Palazzolo, a ViCAP crime analyst, said in the FBI article, "he went through city and state and gave Ranger Holland the number of people he killed in each place." In all, Little confessed to roughly 90 murders in the interview with the FBI interview and in others, according to the FBI. Authorities have connected 34 of the killings and many others waiting confirmation, according to a statement from the FBI. If all his confessions are confirmed, he could be among the most prolific serial killers in U.S. history.

A large number are believed to have taken place in the 1970s and early 1980s before DNA technology was available to police.

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