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How To Stay Safe During The Holidays

By Violet Haight

The holiday season is coming up and with the pandemic, it’s going to be harder than usual to stay safe. Here are some tips to stay healthy. First of all stay with people of your own household. A household is the group of people you live with. If you live alone or can’t stand to not be with your family, try going virtual, like video chat or video calling them.

Next, don’t gather in big groups or travel because being in a big group or being in a high exposure area for too long could put you at risk of catching the virus. If you really want to gather with some friends you could do something outside, being inside with people you don’t live with is a bad idea because inside has poor ventilation.

Lastly, you shouldn’t see people with a health risk such as people with asthma, older people, or people with lung problems because they have a higher risk of getting the virus and possibly getting really sick or even dying.

If you are hosting a gathering take into account the risks and follow CDC guidelines and tips, and if you are going to a gathering someone else is hosting, please still follow CDC guidelines.

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