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America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer

Written by Sequoyah Kingsbury 

*This article discusses criminal topics that may be upsetting to some readers*

Sunday, October 6th, the FBI released information regarding Samuel Little and the murders he confessed to. Little is a 79-year-old greying man in a wheelchair. Over the last 34 years he had been murdering vulnerable women across the country. Little has a photogenic memory and could name off and sketch his 93 supposed victims. 

Little was born in Georgia to his mother who he claimed was a prostitute. After he was born, they moved to Ohio where he was mostly raised by his grandmother. In high school he had trouble with discipline. He first got in trouble with the law when he got caught breaking and entering in 1956. When he was younger he had been arrested 8 times after traveling more and causing more trouble. His 8 arrests included a DUI, fraud, soliciation, armed robbery, shoplifting, and aggravated assault. 

 Though Little has confessed to 93 murders, only 50 of his confessions were verified. He has been convicted of 8, and linked to 61 other murders. Little's DNA linked him to multiple cold cases. His murders happened over the span of 1970 - 2005. The FBI had said Samuel little killed more people than Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gasey and Jeffery Douhmoer combined. When Little killed his victims he strangled them to death. He is now serving three life sentences for 3 consecutive murders. Little had thought he would get away with the numerous murders because he targeted drug addicts and prostitutes. He thought no one would go looking for women like that. He may have killed the prostitutes and drug addicts due to his mothers job in prostitution.

The FBI believes that his claims are credible because the timing matches up with missing person reports. In interviews, he gave the detectives details about the victims that someone who read about the missing persons in the newspaper wouldn't be able to give. This aided the detectives into believing him. Little had also provided clear descriptions of the women as he sketched them out. 

There is no chance for Samuel Little to get out of prison any time soon, he is going to live the rest of his life out in jail with no parrole offerings. 

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