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88 Days Later, Jayme Closs Found and Safe

88 Days later, Jayme Closs, Found and Safe.

Written by Sequoyah Kingsbury

Jayme Closs was taken from her home in Barron Wisconsin October 15th. Her parents James and Denise Closs were found murdered in their home after a frantic and cryptic call made by Denise before she has been murdered. The defendant had been dressed in all black and had stolen his fathers gun which he used to kill Jayme’s parents. Neighbors said they heard shots in the night but thought it was somebody hunting.

The defendant drove Jayme to his house and she believes it was a two-hour car ride. She was out into the trunk of his car taped up, and once they made it to his house he undid her tape and left her to go in his house. He made her change to “get rid of the evidence”. She was forced to stay under his bed which was located in the corner of his room. He had made a wall like structure out of toats and laundry bins weighed down with barbells so he could know if she tried to move or escape. Jayme stated, she once did move and he could tell, he had said if she did it again there would be really bad punishments. The defendant would have friends, random family members, and even his dad over and have no idea Jayme was under his bed let alone in his house. He would turn music on in his room to muffle the sound of Jayme. She was forced to stay under the bed when he was not home with no bathroom and no food. The defendant did not sexually assault Jayme but he did hit her, she claims one time he had gotten really mad at her and hit her with a window duster.

On January 10th, 2019 Jayme escaped her prison. The defendant left and told Jayme he would be gone for 5-6 hours.  He had forced Jayme back under the bed but after he had left she was able to push the makeshift barrier out and escape. She had put on a pair of his shoes and left the house. She started towards the road when she had seen a woman (Jeanne Nutter) walking her dog. She then ran up to the woman and said: “I need help I don't know where i am, I'm lost, please help me… I’m Jayme.” she had told the woman that Jake Patterson (defendant) had held her hostage since October of 2018. Jeanne had walked Jayme to neighbors (Kristin Kasinkas) house and had asked to call 911. When detectives arrived they took Jayme to a safe location because they had found out the defendant was looking for her. Jayme was described as “Skinny and Dirty” “Hair matted” “wearing shoes that were too big for her feet” her emotions were “pretty flat”.

Jayme has been reunited with her family and is now safe and sound. The defendant, Jake Patterson has been taken into custody he was granted no parol and isn't getting out any time soon.

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